Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good results, but LIVID

First, the good news. The results of the bone marrow biopsy were excellent. Apparently the marrow is showing 'negative' for malignancies and the marrow cells are 100% donor cells. It looks like it's going to work. The next 90 days will tell the tale of GVHD and side effects.

But I actually fired my doctor today. Yup, asked her to stop talking and leave the room. No, I wasn't on steroids.

See, I'm perfectly honest and candid with my docs. I tell them everything that goes on so that they'll have answers and reasons in case something happens. So I told them about my little escape to Vancouver on Sunday. I told them I forgot my infusion tubing. I admitted to playing hookie.

And the doctor went OFF! Their rules say I'm supposed to be within 30 minutes of their facility at all times. Their rules say I'm supposed to have a full time caregiver at my side at all times. Yes, they're talking about having someone sit beside me, hovering like a bat in case I fall down going to the bathroom. That's stupid.

And then she said the classic words, "If we'd known you weren't going to follow the rules precisely, we wouldn't have done the transplant."

This translates to, "If we'd known you wouldn't let us own you, we would have let you die of your disease."

Sounds like she's trying to cover a liability problem with another liability problem.

The conversation digressed into a random ramble about how I was putting the general public in danger's way by "zipping around town on my motorcycle" (obvious prejudice). There was much more interest in having me drive my 2 ton truck around in traffic, as if that would be safer for the masses.

That's when I told her I was happy she was going off rotation and that she could leave. Her response was, "I have a right to be here with one of my employees."

So I explained that I'd be happy to leave, as her lectures would not be necessary any longer. She would not win, she could not win, and neither she nor the facility could fire me. I went so far as to say, "You're not my mother."

Hell, she even said something about "all we do for you" as if this were a pro bono charity event.

No, it was not a good interaction, but how ABSOLUTELY PIOUS can a doctor be? Sanctimonious witch!

Quite frankly, Doctor D has always been a cold, stiff, impersonal clinician since the day Ed and I met her. Neither of us like her. She doesn't show up for team appointments. When she does, her general demeanor is one of superiority and aloofness. She's off-putting. Now I know she's an insufferable nag.

Interacting with this woman raised my blood pressure and actually gave me hand tremors. She's not good for a patient's health.


Roobeedoo said...

I assume you are PAYING this Doctor?
I wonder if this is the same Dr D who Cindy (http://cakassel55.healthblogs.org/) sacked a couple of weeks back...? If not, clearly they are close relations!
Now go and stand in the corner with your back to the class and don't sit down until I say you can or I will confiscate your catheter.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Andre! to many people just accept what health care providers allow them to have. More people need to tell their docts what is expected of them and what we the paying customer are willing to accept. Having a partnership with your doc in your health care will do wonders for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Oh, Andre - did you forget that you are one of the experimentals - the guinea pigs - and that they have to have precise and controlled conditions so they can submit their findings to the money funders? The fact that they are double-dipping (getting it from you, the insurance company AND the grant-ors) is of no consequence, I suppose. Glad you are having improving health and glad you stood up to the Nazi.
(I ride 'cycles, too!)