Monday, July 21, 2008

Mixed bag

I awoke this morning feeling better than I have in almost a week. One could say I was virtually human. Only a few things hurt and my brain was relatively fogless.

At 10:00am they injected two "exposure" tests into my forearms. In the next 24 hours, these tests will either do nothing or flare up and itch. At 12:30pm the nice people at the SCCA did a bilateral bone marrow sampling with only local anesthetic.

One would think I would be used to them by now. Nope! They're still the most painful thing I've ever done in my life.

And then, about 30 minutes ago, there was a medical delivery person at my front door (upstairs from where I was). I decided to go out the garage door and invite him to come down and do the delivery right next to his car. I tripped as I approached the bottom of the steps. My feet never got back under me and I hit the steps hands first. My right hand slid across the steps so I have a bit of road-rash at the base of my palm. I'm guessing that both hands will be bruised tomorrow.

The funny thing is, I still feel pretty decent.

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