Saturday, November 15, 2008

Solo weekend

I've had some kind of upper respiratory trouble for a little over a week. Well, it looks like Ed caught it from me while he was here. (Or at least it would appear that way.) There are people in his office who are claiming to be sick, so Ed might have some other illness, but looking at the symptoms, he has what I have.

Clear discharge. Coughing. Sore throat. NO fever. Basso Profundo voice. Hmmmm.......

Regardless, he feels pretty bad. He feels that way because he has an immune system and his body is reacting normally. Me? I don't feel bad. Yeah, I have some breathing problems, but I don't feel like I'm sick. Duh, I have no immune system!

(Is there any wonder why I want to get off prednisone? Besides having a virtually no immune system, the prednisone hides any inflammation or illness!)

Anyway, Ed's staying up in Vancouver this weekend. We're not terribly worried about being reinfected with the same strain, but since there's a chance that his illness is from someone in his lab...... It's better to stay apart for a few more days than it is for me to get a fresh infection I can't fight.

As I told Ed, "It's better to be lonely than dead."

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