Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A conundrum.

Recently, an anonymous reader commented that I am both insightful and honest. It was a wonderful compliment. Thank you, whoever you are.

However, I sometimes wonder if I'm merely self important and tactless.

To some extent, I have to think that what I write is somehow significant. Otherwise I wouldn't expend the time and effort. Therein could lie self importance.

Similarly, my honesty could come from thinking my prose is SO significant that I can go against social norms and write whatever I want.

So the conundrum is: Is this post insightful and honest, or is it selfish and tactless? I think perspective comes into play. Optimists might say the former, pessimists might say the latter. Analysts might say it's all about my personal therapy and that I don't have an altruistic bone in my body.

Maybe they're all correct.

Caveat lector - Let the reader beware.


Anonymous said...

I side with the "insightful and honest" crowd when considering your blog. Certainly there is something of "I write; therefore I am." That is the survivor in you asserting your value.

Your words shine a light into the shadows of cancer. Your blog brings understanding to friends and strangers alike, the healthy and the unwell. It is important.

Glad to hear you are exiting the SCCA. They must think you are ready for the next step. Be well.

Anonymous said...

I think they're two sides to the same coin.
Every writer writes because they believe what they have to say is important and worth reading. That's why they write.
Given the above, I'd certainly never refer to any of your posts as tactless.
Well, at least not here. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you know the answer.

Anonymous said...

I think that they are all correct.
That's what makes you, YOU...
So just keep on blogging and we'll keep on reading and learning as only you can teach in all of your insightful,self-important,honest,
tactless,personally therapeutic ways.
I love and appreciate YOU just as you are.