Monday, November 24, 2008


Ed snored like a diesel chain saw last night, so I didn't get much sleep for my leukapheresis at 8 this morning. No big deal, right?

So they did a blood draw for research before the procedure. The nurse estimated about 500cc of draw.

Then she hooked me to the pump, turned it on and......

I went down for the count!

All I remember saying is: "I don't feel good." and then trying to keep my lower GI under control.

BP was incredibly low. Pulse rate was stunningly high. I perspired like an Arizona hitch-hiker in August. I had the pallor of a Renaissance virgin.

Suddenly the room FILLED with nurses (literally 5). One lowered the head of the bed and shut off the machine, another put a cold towel on my head, another suggested I undo my belt. The other two were doing nurse things I couldn't quite wrap my brain around at the time. Now I realize they'd taken some steps toward "we might need to resuscitate".

And all their little remedies worked. I returned to the land of the fully conscious in a couple of minutes. My assigned nurse turned the machine back on and I went to sleep. When I awoke, she was sitting in a chair just watching me.

Yeah, sometimes I complain about minor inconveniences and inefficiencies at the SCCA, but most of the time, the service is stellar.

Back again tomorrow at 9:30. Last appointment is at 2p


Roobeedoo said...

Andre the Renaissance virgin eh? Sounds downright Pre-Raphaelite, all that fainting! Good to hear their reactions are so fast!

Anonymous said...

Virgins fainted because their corsets were too tight and they couldn't expand their lungs... glad they were able to pull whatever strings were necessary to keep you around! Blessings from Annie

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had the "vapors" in the SCCA lab. If you are going to faint, you couldn't have picked a better place.

Anonymous said...

Did you dream of Castle Anthrax? (The christian and/or Monty Python geek version of 72 virgins.)
