Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good weekend!

Ed and I had a good weekend. We took a trip on Saturday with some friends and their two boys to a town called Leavenworth. It's a German themed town, rather touristy, but it was PACKED with people because this is probably the last really nice weekend of the season.

The scenery was beautiful during the 3+ hour drive. We and our friends are going to research buying some property up there. We found a listing for 20+ acres at $29,500. Obviously it's completely remote. No water, sewer, or electricity. Just us, the trees, and the bears. (And the deer and the antelope.)

Last night I "remembered" why I've been feeling so good the last couple of days. My doc put me on prednisone, another steroid (but much milder than dexamethasone). Prednisone is a Virgin Mary or Shirley Temple. Dexamethasone is moonshine with a heroin chaser.

Unfortunately I'm off the prednisone tomorrow. I expect to crash a bit. SO looking forward to it!

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