Tuesday, October 30, 2007

From the sublime to the ridiculous....

I just got back from the SCCA. Blood sample, "G" injections, consultations. It was the consultations that were the most interesting.

Remember way way back to yesterday? I was taken off fluid infusion because I appeared to have no problem staying hydrated.

Well, fast forward all the way to 10:45 this morning and I'm being put back on an infusion pump for more fluids. Fortunately these will be self administered via a home infusion pump, so the seven hour procedure can be carried out while I attempt to have a normal day.

Seven hours? Why so long? It seems they're bumping my infusion volume to 1500 cc / day from the prior 1000 cc / day.

Now do you wanna hear the fun part? I had a consultation with the dietitian about 15 minutes after the infusion consult..... and she wants me to drink 90 ounces of liquid every day. NINETY ounces. That's roughly 2600 ml of fluids every day.

If you add the two things together, you get 4100 ml. Yes, Jimmy, that's 4.1 liters or about 1.1 gallons.

Just call me Mister Peepee.

1 comment:

Roobeedoo said...

Oh crikey! As well as the intravenous?! Hope you have a wide range of beverages to hand (cocktail cabinet in the bathroom?!)