Sunday, December 02, 2007

Day 02

Slushy weather.

Slush falling from the sky, staying slush on the ground. Yeah, I wanna go traipsing off to the doctor in weather like this. It's cold, wet, and I'm feeling pukey.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not feeling 'bad'...... I'm feeling pukey. I guess pukey is sorta bad.

I got up, took my shower, jumped in the pickup and slushed my way to the SCCA. There was no line for the blood draw so that took about 7 microseconds. Ed and I dragged ourselves upstairs for the checkup and waited about 10 minutes for a room.

Once in the room, my breakfast reappeared. Fortunately it had only consisted of my morning pills and water. It appeared several times until it was no longer able to appear.

Pills don't taste very good when you put them in your mouth. They taste even worse on the return trip.

Regardless, much of our visit was spent on prevention of this sort of misadventure. I now have 4 different types of anti-nausea pills. I take a different type every 2 hours. I'm only conscious long enough to pee and take a fresh dose of pills.

"Say 'Good Night', Gracie!"
"Good night, Gracie!"

1 comment:

Roobeedoo said...

Hang on in there Batman!