Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess where I am?

I'm in the hospital for the next ten days.

I have CMV, RSV, and corona virus. They yanked me in here stat to treat infections. I get 3 tentings a day for 2 hours each. They'll go on for 10 days.


Roobeedoo said...

Be well honey!

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what happens when you don't drink it with salt and lime.
Joking aside, get better.

Anonymous said...

It must be going around... someone I know who has MM (SCCA) and is waiting to have own stem cells re-inserted is being held up by the same virus. Don't know what all those other letters stand for, but hope those treatments have you feeling better fast!

Anonymous said...

Sorry they all got you at the same time. Guessing you feel pretty miserable. This too shall pass, though it is probably hard to keep the faith with so much coming at you at once. Know we are rooting for you and send our love, prayers, etc.

Keep us posted - we'll be worrying about you...