Monday, November 19, 2007

Last night and today.

My gout flared up yesterday. I woke up with joint pain in my left hip, both kness, and both ankles. I was virtually crippled by 9 pm.

This morning I woke up at ~5 am because I had to pee. I found that I could walk gingerly to the bathroom, but the pain never let me get back to sleep. I got up and did my regimen and headed off to the SCCA at 6:45 for my 7:30 blood test.

I got a gammaglobulin infusion and a pamidronate infusion today. I left the SCCA at 2:45. No side effects, no serious reactions. One of the meds they gave me as prophylaxis against an adverse reaction to the gammaglobulin was successful in treating my gout. Yippee.

They gave me a pain script for Fentanyl in a patch. The patch lasts 3 days. We'll see how well it works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gout, the ailment of kings. Such a prestigious affliction. It's still a bitch but it is a prestigious one. Beats scurvy.