Sunday, February 10, 2008

Drastic body changes.

You've read that my bilirubin has gone high and my platelets have gone low. I have no physical indications these things have changed and I won't get new blood tests until this coming Wednesday.

BUT, there have been some pretty drastic physical changes in the last 4 days.

1) All of the swelling, water retention and general edema disappeared magically on Thursday. It hasn't returned. What change did I make to effect this? I ate beans. No, I don't really think this is what turned the magic key, but I hadn't had beans in months and I ate a can. Odd coincidence.

2) Friday was the first day I started taking testosterone. It's administered topically as a gel that's applied to the shoulders and upper arms. It's supposed to be absorbed evenly over the course of the day, and the daily dosing keeps the levels even over the course of a month. There is value in having a fairly even level of any hormone in your body.

What can I say about it? My insurance doesn't cover all the cost, and I'm being charged about $70 dollars a month for my part (as opposed to less than $2 per prescription for everything else I take). It sounds comparatively expensive, but let me tell you, I felt shockingly male again for the first time in months and months.

Now, for you men who've never had a testosterone shortage and suddenly got it back, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Similarly, the ladies out there are clueless. Heck, I didn't know what I was missing until it magically reappeared.

I'm not talking about a sudden urge to pounce on anyone relatively attractive. I'm not talking about any physical manifestations. I'm talking about a sudden difference in attitude and sense of well-being.

Have you ever had one of those days when you wake you up and you just know the birds are singing and the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming? One of those days when you just feel GOOD? Springtime in your body? Well, that's what the testosterone did on day one and day two. Day three was pretty good, and today has been great. I got LOTS of stuff done today. My activity level has been high.

Anyway, surprising changes again. Maybe it's not a roller coaster, but it's an interesting log ride. We'll see if I make a big splash on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Roobeedoo said...

So... you are feeling full of beans?!