Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Chemicals and chemotherapy.

It begins.

Procrit gets injected into my leg once a week so I'll grow more red blood cells.
Vitamin B6 and Warfarin will counteract the side effects of:
Thalidomide, which will kill the cancer cells and enhance the effects of:
Dexamethasone, which is a steroid that will turn me into Mr. Hyde as it kills more cancer cells.

And next Monday, I get a bisphosphonate to help strengthen my skeletal bones.

Side effects? Hell, you don't want me to start.... but I'm really worried about the steroids.... Imagine me, with my personality, all wound up like a muscle bound steroid freak. I've already told Ed to find a "safe word" he can use when I'm all 'roided-out.

So far, I've injected myself with some Procrit. Everything else starts in the morning. Wish me luck.

Oh, did I mention that the Thalidomide pills are $107.14 each? I take one a day.