Thursday, January 31, 2008

Exam and consultation.

I had an appointment at Virginia Mason Hospital today with a new doctor in the surgery center. I've been having a pretty severe problem with..... how shall I put this..... the absolute terminus of my digestive tract.

It's been an occasional problem since I was in my 30s, but since the sigmoidectomy in March '07 and the subsequent problems with antibiotics, chemo, and the recent transplant / auto-immune reactions, the issue has gotten much much worse.

Imagine the situation to be as bad as you want it to be. I'm not going to cover details. I'll simply include the word 'fissures'

The exam was painful but apparently pretty expository. Seems the whole problem can be solved with some specially compounded topicals and a bit of time. I actually had to find a real pharmacist, a compounding pharmacist (aka chemist) to make the stuff. It should be available tomorrow.

Looking forward to a resolution.


Anonymous said...

So I guess a medical background is not necessary to have absolutely nothing left to the imagination.

Roobeedoo said...

Which just goes to show you shouldn't just sit on your problems...
Sorry! Hope the apothecary does the business!

Joe said... where's the pics?


Anonymous said...

When I heard you called a badass, I thought they were refering to your personality.