Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Acting rashly.

I saw the oncologist today at 1p. When the PA walked thru the door, she stared in disbelief. She got the doctor. His first words were, "Oh my god, look at you!"

Yeah, the rash is BAD. It itches. It's everywhere. Everywhere. Yeah, there too.

Result? I've been taken off Revlimid. It's been replaced with nothing.

Now let's think about what that really means..... It means I'm not on chemo as of 2p today. No chemo = no cancer control. No delay. No reduction in symptoms.

I have another appt with him on April 30th. We'll assess the rash again. We might shift me back to Thalidomide. We might not.

Pick one from Column A, one from Column B. No substitutions please.

1 comment:

Roobeedoo said...

Maybe your body is trying to tell you something - like, take up the donor offer now? I don't know. Sorry, spotty.
Thanks for comments re FL - yes I think he is doing fine too. Touch wood.