Saturday, February 24, 2007


The nurse came in this morning and removed the tube that went from my stomach, thru my nose, and up to the drainage bottle. I'm relieved, but removing that thing was probably the 2nd most disgusting thing I've ever done. Later, the doctor removed the dressing that covered Boston's Big Dig. Thirty staples hold the skin together. Yeah, 30!

Regardless, I feel better today than I did 2 weeks ago. That's an improvement.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you feel better. I bet the male nurses are glad you are still off your feet. May their peace be short lived when you are up and at 'em. Pun intended.

Anonymous said...

NG tubes suck bigtime. Thank god that ordeal is over -- I hope I never have to do that again.

The look is... um... scary. Skip the Xmas card -- it'll scare the little one.