Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Documenting the downhill, part 8

It wasn't too bad a day physically. The catfish was just catfishing. Unfortunately it turned out to be a 13 hour workday with dinner at Taco Hell. I'm freaking exhausted.

The doctor's appointment this afternoon showed positive results. In the full spectrum of blood tests, there is only one item that's out of the norm. Yes folks JUST ONE. Unfortunately it's the "total protein" count, and thankfully it's just marginally high. We'll get a composite report in a few days that distinguishes the good proteins from the bad and we can compare those numbers to the baseline.... but it looks like I'm virtually healthy! At the end of this month of treatment, we'll consider dropping my chemo dose to more tolerable levels.

I'm quite relieved. Now I'm going to bed.

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