Friday, May 11, 2007


An interesting phenomenon has popped above the surface in the last couple of weeks. It's neither mental or physical, but rather tangential to the whole cancer / blog / blah-blah routine I've been on for a while.

Apparently I have some talent as a writer.

Now, that may seem an odd statement from your perspective. After all, you're the reader so you've already decided I'm readable. In other words, you may take it for granted that I'm a writer. But from my position on the planet, I'm just a guy who types what he thinks exactly the way he thinks it.

Maybe that makes me a writer.

On the other hand, writers write and I just blog / email / post opinions / converse electronically / share information with my friends and spectators.

And so, cancer seems to have opened a door. Maybe this is an opportunity to realize an unexercised talent. Hmmmmm......... There are about a dozen catchy phrases going through my head right now.......

Something good might come of this.

1 comment:

Broom said...

i've only read a little bit of your blogs, but i'd say you're a pretty good writer. I know thats something i'd like to improve in my life, but i get by i suppose.

good luck with the cancer. we've met a couple times through TSBA and things... you were always one of those guys to look up to in many different ways.