Wednesday, May 09, 2007


They ran my blood numbers last week immediately after my pamidronate infusion. They came back "strange" in my book.

Poly's were high. Lymphocytes were low. Kappa free light chains were undetectable. What the heck do these mean?

Well, apparently nothing important. They're all OK. I just get wierded-out when they change their SOP and then the results come back oddly.

Now, here's the good/bad side of the news. I'm getting FAT.... Technically that's good, but it's really bad for me..... Gotta get that in check right now. 175# is 35# over my post-surgical weight and 10# under my usual..... but with the body mass changes, I really should be operating at about 165#.

Golly, seems like I'm dealing with pretty minor little issues..... I must be doing OK physically then......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Congrats if it's good, gimme 10 if it's not.
