Monday, September 03, 2007

Doggie Dookie

It's confirmed. Velcade and 'roids make me feel like hammered doggie dookie.

I do a Velcade infusion on Thursdays, then I do my Batman steroids on Friday morning. I feel like a million bucks on Friday and Saturday, and then on Sunday mornings I get another Velcade infusion.

On Sunday afternoon, I start to feel pretty bad. Part of it is the Velcade and part of it seems to be the steroid crash. I'm bloated, swollen, and my insides feel like I've been punched...... and then it gets a bit worse. Sleeping is difficult and the problem continues all the way thru Monday.

On Sundays and Mondays, all kinds of colorful stuff comes out my nose.

Hopefully Tuesday (tomorrow) will be OK. I have lotsa work to do. Gotta try to make a buck or three.


Anonymous said...

ok, so I know how your labor day weekend went.. sorry to hear that dude.
remember, no throwing up on white shoes after labor day.
if the medicine doesn't make you feel ill, my lame-ass jokes will.

motopacsman said...

Your lame-ass jokes are always welcome. I won't deny anyone's right to lighten the mood.

(I found it humorous that you managed to link Labor Day, illness, and wearing white....)