Saturday, April 07, 2007

Weekly update

Yeah, it's been a week again. I guess that means this whole thing is beginning to be an integral part of regular life.

The stomach surgery has obviously worked fairly well. My weight is back up to about 160, which is 20# more than my post-surgical weight. Some of the weight is even in my arms and legs because of a mild exercise program I've put myself on. I'm still getting torso fat, but my face is filling out normally and I look less like a beetle than I did some time ago.

Chemo loads are half of what they were during the initial phases. Five 4 mg pills now instead of ten. I'm still a hyperemotional mess, but I don't buzz nearly as much as I once did. Poor control of finer muscle movements is still common. I drop stuff a lot if I try to carry several items at a time. Hiccups have returned during chemo loading. Mostly that comes from eating like a pig. I do that when I'm bored.

In any case, I feel physically pretty good. Emotionally, I'm a complete useless mess.

I'll survive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't think of it as a hyperemotional mess, think of it as a unique insight into a womans mind. That didn't help did it? I bet it did make you wonder why there are not more women in prison for murder though. Have a happy Easter....or shoot the bunny. Whatever works for you.